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Six Ways To Respond In this Uncertain Time: Part 6, CONTINUE YOUR WORK

Our world has been changed, and our routines are gone.  And if we’re not careful, we will be tempted to just sit and do nothing.  I think God is saying to us “If you ask Me, I will show you what the next thing is.”  Lots of us are learning how to zoom.  This is certainly new to me but just this week I have a zoom graduation to attend and a birthday zoom gathering.  I also meet with four friends now on a weekly basis. I have known these friends for over 40 years and one has now moved and recently lost her husband.  She needed to “see” us and connect weekly.  Our commitment of zoom time has been a boost to her as she navigates through a difficult and painful transitional time.  We laugh, encourage one another, and take turns sharing a spiritual insight.    There is so much we can each do.  Read, exercise, plant (and weed),sew masks for those of us who can’t sew on a button straight. Remember the battle is the Lord’s-not ours!   It is His voice that we listen for.  It is the voice of absolute certainty and power and strength.  He speaks peace and gives encouragement.  “Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”  John 14:27  I hope these six ways to respond have been as helpful to you as they have been to me and that the different selections of praise/hymn songs have been a blessing to you.

In Christ’s love,

Sue O’Connor


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